

  時間 :2023 年 11 月 06 日(周一) 下午  14:00-16 :00
  地點 :計算所 1401會議室
  報告人 :托馬斯 葛格里(Tamas Gergely),匈牙利籍, 俄羅斯自然科學院院士、匈牙利科學院數(shù)學研究所學部委員、布達佩斯技術(shù)和經(jīng)濟大學榮譽教授
  AI lacks a universally accepted definition, and most AI solutions to date are one or two-dimensional. The future of AI, however, needs to be developed towards further dimensions.This report presented a possible Research & Development (R&D) path, which includes conceptual and philosophical foundations focusing on intelligence, cognition, laws, tendencies, knowledge, and information. This report discusses the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), its criticisms, and future development. It also discusses the establishment of philosophical foundations that include the ontological and epistemological bases of intelligent systems.The text further talks about developing methodological foundations and a general mathematical frame for multidimensional implementation of intelligent systems. A multilevel computing theory is developed to handle both traditional AI systems and systems capable of implementing cognitive functions. Finally, the Cognitive Intelligence Co-Operating System (COIOS) approach is introduced for implementing the R&D path. The features of COIOS are compared with current AI achievements. The text concludes by presenting an R&D schedule and roadmap, offering a scientifically based way out of the growing AI myth and illusions.
  Professor Tamas Gergely is with experience in scientific organization and management of acquired high-novelty and breakthrough R&D projects particularly in AI related areas. He has established a new generation of artificial intelligence theory based on cognitive logic reasoning and has published 15 books and over 200 research papers. His professional focus is on highly complex systems. The research and development activities on intelligent and cognitive systems are linked to his achievements in systems of high complexity. He is currently working on the COIOS approach developing the foundation of new-generation artificial intelligence systems that can either act as an intelligent partner for humans or even on their own. The COIOS approach aims to provide a technologically well-equipped Amplifier for Intelligence, which will be able to act as genuine problem-solving companions able to understand and respond to complex problem situations.
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